Friday, March 5, 2010


Yes i know i have been neglecting my blog for awhile now. i apologize for that.*sarcasm*

As you can see, we're in the month of march now, and what can you deduce from that?

Monthly Tests!

So obviously, i've been neglecting my blog simply because my timing is as packed as canned sardines. really.

Simply put, i don't have the time.


You tell me.

From now on, i shall type similar to another classmate of mine, who is a VERY active blogger.

To make the post look long, when it's fact it's actually shorter than it looks.

I know this isn't the time to update my blog right now,

But heck, english is the first paper for the year, so might as well polish up my english, aye? ;D

And people are bugging me to update my blog, so here i am. APPRECIATE IT.

I do not know why,

But i'm somehow feeling MUCH MORE stress as compared to last year and the years before.

And i thought last year was one of the most stressful year of my life.

But as i look back now, PMR is like child's play, and i can't help but to laugh at the fact that i was actually stressed over PMR.

And no, i'm not bragging or stating that i'm oh sooo smart and intelligent.

Because compared to form 4, PMR is really nothing, and getting remarkable results for it doesn't really signify anything.

If that's the case, i would be very sure that the people who are experiencing college life right now or even working life would most likely laugh their lungs out at me, getting stressed over some pathetic school exams.

Because that's usually the case.

Just a quick update, cause i believe i'm running short on time, will update more often once the exams finishes.hopefully.

Oh and from today onwards, i'm gonna include random convos at the end of each post i write.

And yes, every convo that i write is based on a true story and it really happened to me.

Okay, that's all for now. ;D

Random Convo of the Day:
Corrupted Dude/Me

So how often do you mastur-
I don't, i'm not so desperate as that.
*facepalm* shut up and go die. please.

Yes most of the guys in my school are corrupted, REAALLY corrupted. or is it just me? O:

You decide.

Yours Truly.


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